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Your Community Robotics Team
Skunk Works Robotics Team 1983 is a 4H community-based team comprised of high school students from around the Seattle area. Founded in 2006, our robotics team focuses on building skills for the future: CAD, programming, electrical, mechanical skills, business and marketing. We strive to bring STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) to youth, families, and other FIRST teams in the surrounding community.

Upcoming Events
- Thu, Apr 17

Spins note for better accuracy
Pivot for ranged shooting & shooting down into the amp
Dual intake motors for speed & torque
Near full width collection zone
Designed around shooter & collector
Simple, lightweight design
AndyMark Climber in a Box inspired
Custom hooks deter sliding
SDS MK4i Swerve Drive
28" x 25"

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